Saturday, May 31, 2008

Rare medieval windows helped by flower power

Rare medieval church windows in Nowton are a step closer to being restored thanks to a highly successful flower festival.

More than £1,200 was raised at the third annual St Peter's Church flower festival, which will go to restoring the windows – the third most important examples of medieval glass in the UK.

The theme of the festival, which ran from Saturday until bank holiday Monday, was The Holy Bible and a total of 21 displays, including many from professional florists, were on display.

Adrian Potter, of F Clutterham and Sons, in Bury, is also the parish organist and deputy church warden.

He organised the festival, which also included a cake stall run by parishoners.

Mr Potter said: "Everybody who came to the festival said they were very impressed by it.

"Many of our visitors go to other flower festivals but they do say ours is the best.

"The event went really well and I am grateful to everyone who was involved."


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