Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ledbury dig uncovers piece of history

An archaeological dig in Ledbury has uncovered a medieval wall.

An archaeological evaluation survey at the town’s Masters House has been completed as a precursor to the creation of a £2.9m library and community complex for the town.

The dig uncovered evidence of a medieval wall – a report detailing this and any other artefacts found during the survey will be produced by archaeologists within the next couple of weeks.

The archaeological survey was essential due to the historic nature of the site and its completion and the report paves the way for the design brief for the library to be finalised.

Work to dig a 20-metre trench began earlier this month. Herefordshire Council plans a new library with access for disabled people within the St Katherine’s area of the high street, together with a new information centre, a tourist information centre and visitor attraction.

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