Friday, September 6, 2013

Hello, salvete, dia dhuit!

Fellow UVic Medievalists, the time has come again, the hour when we must once more take up our pens and our books and the mighty power of the conjugation dictionary, and do battle with the forces of historical ambiguities, Latin grammar and mild public ignorance of our subject! Or drink tea and watch Game of Thrones condescendingly and with not a small amount of guilty pleasure.

Either way, term has begun again! And so, from the entire UVic Medieval Studies Course Union, a hearty welcome back!

We're looking forward to a great year with lots of great events, the first being Clubs Days on Sept 11-12 from 10am-4pm. Come by and check out our booth, say hi, pick up one of our fancy new flyers, and chat with other UVic students about the Middle Ages and UVic Medieval Studies! We're also always looking for volunteers to help man the table for an hour here or there; we'll also be in your classes with sign-up lists for the e-mail list, so if your e-mail has changed come talk to us.

Our Fall Court/Alþingi/Parliament/Conclave and Knighthood Ceremony ("AGM" and "elections") will be at 4:00 on Tuesday the 17th in Clearihue C115 to knight and swear fealty to elect a new Club Exec, and we are looking for new Directors-at-large, a Treasurer, Secretary and a Director of Events! Come out and get involved in planning exciting events and in shaping the future of your department and course union!


Hope to see you all there!

All the best,

UVic MSCU exec

Suggestions and feedback are always welcome, you can contact us at, at and on Twitter! Events planned for this year include Mead and Greets, Board Game and Movie Nights, Seminariums in Medieval Latin and Research skills, and a Student Conference!

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