Saturday, June 9, 2007

We don't ask for much, merely your blood...

The MSCU believes strongly in giving back to the community. One of the easiest, yet often overlooked, ways of helping others is to donate the gift of life - blood.

With one simple and relatively pain-free donation as many as three lives can be saved. In British Columbia blood banks run a deficit each year. At one point every Canadian will need blood, the life you save could be your own.

Within the next month the MSCU would like to organize a blood drive. If you are at all interested please leave a comment or send us an email. Once a list of interested people is generated, we'll find a time which works for us all.

There is no need to feel nervous. As someone who has given blood several times, it is quick and painless. The advantage of going in a group is that we can provide moral support for each other.

If you are at all interested, please contact us. For more information on blood donation, please visit: Canadian Blood Services. Besides, what's more Medieval than the thought of community bleeding?

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