Ryan's choice: St Fiacre
Now I am not currently, nor will I ever likely be, a saint. As a result of this large personal failing, I feel sorry for certain saints. Some seem to get the short end of the patronage stick. I'm sure that these saints would feel no sense of pride or accomplishment, but for a lowly sinner like me, I feel sorry for the less 'popular' saints.
Saint Fiacre would be an example of such a saint. In spite of a virtuous life, he was stuck being the patron of some rather embarrassing things.
St Fiacre is the patron saint of: gardeners; taxi cab drivers; venereal disease sufferers; hemorrhoid sufferers, brie, plough-boys.
Now as a lover of brie I truly hope that there isn't a connection between these things. In fact, I cannot decide how exactly he became the patron of these rather eclectic list. Perhaps a look at his life story would illuminate this mystery.
Here's an exerpt from his life story, a more in-depth account can be found here:
His relics at Meaux are still resorted to, and he is invoked against all sorts of physical ills, including venereal disease. He is also a patron saint of gardeners and of cab-drivers of Paris. French cabs are called fiacres because the first establishment to let coaches on hire, in the middle of the seventeenth century, was in the Rue Saint-Martin, near the hotel Saint-Fiacre, in Paris. Saint Fiacre's feast is kept in some dioceses of France, and throughout Ireland on this date. Many miracles were claimed through his working the land and interceding for others. Feast day is September 1st.
Even though the blessed saint never allowed women into his personal dwelling his relics were used to cure venereal diseases. I wonder what good old St Fiacre would have thought of that?
So there you have it.
If you have a favourite saint please send us an email or leave a comment.
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