Sunday, November 18, 2007

Another day, another disaster

To prove that yesterday's post about the 'quality' of Medieval history in modern news media wasn't an isolated incident, here's some more 'news.' WARNING! May cause extreme annoyance.

From now on I'm going to try to use eras from history as negative descriptors.

For example: "Oh, the traffic was absolutely Tokugawa shogunate-like today."


"I think that America's treatment of detainees is Interwar period-like in it's restriction of human rights."


"The plight of women in developing nations reflects a Indus Valley Civilization mentality."

Which era do you think deserves more play in common parlance? If you have any favourites, please leave comments. Or, for the most virtuous among you, use random eras in history to describe things and watch the confused reactions of those around you.

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