Sunday, November 4, 2007

The simple joy of Francis

The MSCU is proud to announce the second annual Commune with Nature!

Each year the MSCU organizes a trip to Goldstream Park to hike up Mount Finlayson and to watch the salmon spawn during the Winter-term Reading Break.
Ironically enough, Read Break rarely grants us a 'break' from our studies. In fact, our beloved professors tend to assign projects to complete over this alleged 'break.' Our annual trip to Goldstream Park allows us to relax and enjoy the splendor of nature. Nothing revives a tired brain more than fresh air and exercise - taking a break to join us will allow you to return to your studies refreshed and renewed.

When: Tuesday November 13th starting a 11:00 am.

Where: Goldstream Provincial Park (see above link for directions)

If you would like to join us, please email ahead of time so that we can better arrange transportation. If you would like a ride, one can be arranged if you let us know.

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